[WEBINAR]: Better Data Conversations with your Sales Analysts

VP of Sales & Data Analyst: Does Anyone Know a Good Interpreter? 

The game has shifted and the focus on metrics and performance through the analysis of data is front and center. This current day reality makes creating common language between CVB senior sales executives and data analysts critical, as our stakeholders will expect us to substantiate and express the destination marketing organization’s value through data.

We no longer have the luxury of telling a story solely focused on room night production.  So, what keeps us from harnessing the benefits of telling a “data rich” story of the value of our efforts?  Much lies in our ability to clearly express to our data analyst the bigger picture we are trying to convey, and their ability to understand not just the data,  but be able to extract and organize it in a way that is both credible and easily understood by those with whom we share it. 

In this Recorded webinar Below we will explore: 

  • The demands of accountability and the deliverables of data science 

  • How to begin to have better data conversations with your analysts

  • Identifying five key areas of sales reporting for discussion 


Christine “Shimo” Shimasaki, Managing Director, 2Synergize  LLC

The New Alternative to Standard Sales Training

Everywhere we engage with CVBs, we hear the same refrain, “We need more tactical and strategic sales training!” And yet, those same CVBs are reluctant to continue to invest in more generic sales training that doesn’t deliver quantifiable results.

It’s also disheartening when individuals attend off-site training and the teachings don’t line up with the destination sales approach, and there isn’t the budget or time to create customized training to fit the needs of sales professionals at varying experience levels within the organization.

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This is one of the reasons why we are so excited about the possibilities of Buyer Insights to provide a unique way to bring your sales and marketing teams together for tangible learning, straight from the mouth of the customer.  Yes, that’s right…actual one-on-one interviews conducted with your destination’s most recent wins/losses examine the buyer’s journey and reveal actionable ways for your sales and marketing professionals to be more helpful and less “hypeful.”

We are going to deliver an entirely personalized half-day sales and marketing workshop which is information rich and loaded with actionable take-aways from your customers for each member of your team to employ.  This isn’t a sit back and listen session, this is a roll up your sleeves and figure out some concrete strategies in relation to your customer’s direct feedback.  

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If you’ve been lamenting sales training and doing nothing because there just aren’t any suitable alternatives, now there is!  Buyer Insights is the real deal and it will help your sales and marketing professionals think and act differently, and it will prevent you from spending additional dollars on standard training that won’t amplify results in your destination.  

2Synergize Partners With Industry Leader George Fenich, Ph.D.

Duo To Empower Destinations With Actionable Insights

SAN DIEGO, Calif. (July 2019) - 2Synergize, LLC. – a Simpleview consulting firm based in San Diego – has partnered with George G Fenich, Ph.D., co-founder of the firm Trends Analysis Projections (TAP). Fenich has long been a leader and innovator in the travel and tourism industry, creating analytics and solutions that help CVBs gauge their performance and make educated decisions on their sales strategies. 2Synergize now is the exclusive licensee of Fenich’s work in the CVB space.

“Partnering with George is a great opportunity to provide CVBs with tailored resources they need to be more competitive, effective and aligned with their stakeholders,” said 2Synergize Managing Director, Christine “Shimo” Shimasaki.

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George G. Fenich, PH.D.

Professor at School of Hospitality Management, East Carolina University

As a well-respected consultant for CVBs, Shimo understands the challenges that destinations face. In partnering with Fenich, Shimo looks forward to empowering destinations with the actionable insights they need to fuel their sales strategies. 

“I’ve always been about finding ways to solve our industry’s oldest problems, where lack of information and inefficiency have plagued us,” said Shimo. “With Fenich’s research and analytics, we have an opportunity to help CVBs standardize goal setting, redefine success metrics and lead a collaborative sales strategy with stakeholders.”

Of joining forces with Shimo, Fenich notes, “I am pleased that 2Synergize and Simpleview have agreed to embrace the analytics I have developed over the years. I believe they have the resources and expertise to take the analytics to the next level and to provide CVBs with even more in-depth resources to achieve their goals.”

Fenich will be working closely with 2Synergize and Simpleview to find new ways to use his research to serve destinations across the world, including a reimagined pace report, plus destination attractiveness, consumption benchmark, need period impact and event scoring profile analyses.