2Synergize, LLC a Simpleview consulting company, specializes in the convention & visitors bureau (CVB) industry and is laser focused on helping destinations gain a competitive edge in the meetings and events market.  We understand the complexities of your roles and responsibilities and the importance of optimizing the relationship with your meeting planners, hoteliers, convention center partners and the multitude of other stakeholders.

It is our goal to combine over 60 collective years of hotel, CVB, and meeting industry experience with the expertise of your team and help them excel in customer research, sales strategy consulting and sale intel and data services. Explore each of customized services below.  



Customer Research

Unite your sales and marketing teams and jointly discover what meeting planners or event organizers are thinking and doing as they consider your destination.

Sales Strategy Consulting

Designed for destinations that require a citywide sales strategy where the CVB, convention center and hotels collaborate on key performance metric, and the definition of success.

Sales Intel & Data Services

Data driven decision-making tools and resources created to give sales leaders access to performance data, essential for internal direction and stakeholder communication.